Update! European Geosciences Union (EGU) has cancelled their in-person General Assembly in Vienna, Austria due to the global COVID-19 issue. The meeting will be held through an online presence May 3-8, 2020.
Thank you to Commission members Luca Barale, Jasmine Rita Petriglieri, Christine Laporte-Magoni, Florence Cagnard, and Mark Bailey who worked on this year’s session. We’re hoping to pick this back up again next year for an in-person meeting.
Notes on abstract submittals: Primary abstract authors must be a member of EGU for calendar year 2020 (membership fee 20 euro) and submit an abstract by January 15, 2020 (abstract fee 40 euro). Oral presentations are 15 minutes, including 3 minutes for questions (so keep that in mind- this is about 12 slides). Submit your abstract the the following session for consideration:
Session NH 8.3: Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA) from definition to risk management