We are an international group of geologists representing the consulting, laboratory, and university research fields working toward the goals of addressing:
- Guidelines for identifying the occurrence, modes of formation and associated host rock types of the various NOA minerals
- Geological assessment and field sampling methods for NOA in rock and soil
- Laboratory rock and soil testing sample preparation & analysis protocols (PLM, PCM, TEM, SEM, XRD), including interpretation of EDS chemical analytical data
- Laboratory calibration standards
- Guidance in the interpretation and presentation of field data and lab test results
- Guidelines for the protection of workers and the public from large and small construction projects
- Training and certification programs for geologists, analysts, construction project designers, field supervisors, construction workers, and others to ensure expertise on NOA-related issues
Group History
We initially formed as a collaborative group of geologists and industrial hygienists as an Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists (AEG) Technical Working Group. Since 2012, we have hosted six NOA Symposiums, multiple dinner meetings, and field trips in California, Nevada, and North Carolina.
Following the our symposium, held in 2018 as part of the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG) Congress / AEG Annual Meeting, we formed an IAEG Commission on NOA.
This website serves the purpose of relaying information about our research and policy efforts to interested scientists.
Meet the Executive Committee
Our team of experienced scientists spans the globe
R. Mark Bailey, PG
IAEG Commission President, AEG Technical Working Group Co-Chair
Asbestos TEM Labs, Berkeley, California, USA
Francesco Turci, PhD
IAEG Commission
Vice President
Toxicity and Biocompatibility of Materials
Dip. Chimica, Università di Torino, Italy
Deputy Director,
“G. Scansetti” Interdepartmental Center for Studies on Asbestos and Other Toxic Particulates
Sarah Kalika, PG, CAC
IAEG Commission Secretary, AEG Technical Working Group Co-Chair
Consulting Geologist,
San Ramon, California, USA
International Committee Members
BOLD signifies Steering Committee
North America
United States
- Bradley Erskine, PhD, PG, CEG, CHG, CAC (Geologist)
- Mark Bailey, PG (Geologist)
- Martin Harper, PhD, CIH (Geologist & Industrial Hygienist)
- Sarah Kalika, PG, CAC (Geologist)
- Tom Zdeb, PG, CIH (Geologist & Industrial Hygienist)
- Alessandro Gualtieri, PhD (Geologist)
- Fabrizio Piana, PhD (Geologist)
- Francesco Turci, PhD (Chemist)
- Jasmine Petriglieri, PhD (Geologist)
- Luca Barale, PhD (Geologist)
South Korea
- Yul Roh, PhD (Geologist)
Australia / South Pacific
- Philip Hibbs (Industrial Hygienist)
- Marc Hendrickx (Geologist)
New Zealand
- Terri-Ann Berry
- Martin Brook
Interested in helping us? Send your CV!